Supplier Code of Conduct

  • Purpose
  • PolyMirae is committed to conducting business ethically and responsibly, advancing solutions that shape
    a better future, operating safely and sustainably, managing our environmental footprint, and being a responsible,
    good neighbor in the communities where we operate.

    In support of that commitment, we expect our suppliers to:

    • 1.Comply with applicable laws and adhere to internationally recognized environmental, social and
      governance (ESG) standards, including those set forth in the Ten Principles of the United Nations Global
      Compact derived from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Labor Organization’s
      Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration on Environment and
      Development and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, as well as our Code of Conduct,
      our Human Rights Policy, and our Health, Safety and Environmental Policy;
    • 2. Conduct business ethically and with integrity, protect human rights, provide for the safety and
      well-being of their employees, and operate in an environmentally responsible manner;
    • 3. Share the principles expressed in this Supplier Code of Conduct; and
    • 4. Strive to apply similar standards with their own suppliers and across the value chain.

ESG Standards

Environment & Security
  • 1. Protect the health and safety of employees, contractors, local communities, and customers and strive to operate
    with a goal of zero injuries and incidents;
  • 2. Comply with all applicable health, safety, environmental and security (HSES) laws and regulations;
  • 3. Use resources efficiently, encourage the use of energy-efficient technologies and responsibly manage and seek to
    prevent or reduce waste, wastewater discharge, air emissions, including greenhouse gases, animal testing,
    and the loss of biodiversity;
  • 4. Strive for the safe and environmentally sound development, manufacturing, transport, use, and disposal of
    products, and ensure product quality and safety meet applicable standards and requirements;
  • 5. Utilize management systems, such as ISO14001, EMAS, and the chemical industry’s Responsible Care® program,
    to continuously improve HSES performance;
  • 6. Whenever possible, support industry, national, and international initiatives with positive HSES impact,
    and promote sustainable and circular solutions in their operations and the value chain; and
  • 7. Respect the privacy and confidential information of all employees and everyone we do business with,
    comply with all applicable privacy and information security laws and regulations, and protect data and
    intellectual property from misuse, theft, fraud or improper disclosure by utilizing technology, security
    measures and precautions.
  • 1. Support the protection of internationally recognized human rights and prohibit the use of forced, bonded
    (including debt bonded), indentured, involuntary labor, exploitative prison labor, slavery or human trafficking and
    child labor as defined in the International Labor Organization Minimum Age Convention, 1973;
  • 2. Respect employees and provide a workplace free of discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or belief,
    national or ethnic origin, sex, age, disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, gender identity, expression or
    reassignment, marital or familial status, military service or veteran status, family medical history or genetic
    information, trade union membership or status, or any other legally protected group status defined by applicable
    national or other law and free of reprisal, unlawful workplace harassment, inhumane treatment, violence,
    intimidation, or any other behaviors and practices likely to result in physical, psychological, sexual or economic harm;
  • 3. Foster, cultivate, and preserve a culture of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI);
  • 4. Recognize the freedom of association as well as the rights of workers to form and join trade unions,
    peacefully assemble, and collectively bargain in accordance with applicable laws, all free from reprisal or retaliation;
  • 5. Observe minimum wages and working hours and comply with applicable labor and employment laws; and
  • 6. Empower employees and other stakeholders to anonymously report concerns or potentially unlawful
    practices at the workplace without retaliation.
  • 1. Conduct business in a fair and ethical manner, avoid acts that illegally limit trade or competition and abide by
    all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to antitrust, trade controls, and sanction regimes;
  • 2. Forbid all types of bribery, corruption and money laundering, and comply with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt
    Practices Act, the UK Bribery Act and all other applicable anti-corruption laws;
  • 3. Avoid and disclose to PolyMirae any situation or circumstance that may appear to create a conflict of interest;
  • 4. Comply with, and provide documentation needed to facilitate PolyMirae’s compliance with, applicable laws,
    regulations, and disclosure requirements related to conflict minerals;
  • 5. Apply principles of true and fair accounting and keep accurate books and records, implement appropriate
    systems and controls, which facilitate compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards, and take
    reasonable measures to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion;
  • 6. Implement management systems to further compliance with all applicable laws and the expectations
    set forth in this Supplier Code of Conduct; and
  • 7. Conduct appropriate trainings to ensure the supplier workforce is aware and respects the principles set
    out in this Supplier Code of Conduct.
  • 8. PolyMirae reserves the right to assess suppliers’ compliance with this Supplier Code of Conduct and
    may use a range of due diligence and verification tools to ensure that suppliers in the value chain are meeting
    PolyMirae’s expectations and the principles laid out in this Supplier Code of Conduct. Where appropriate,
    PolyMirae will engage with suppliers with the purpose of enhancing the supplier’s ESG performance and/or to agree
    on measures to prevent, or adequately mitigate potential adverse human rights impacts and
    adverse environmental impacts in the value chain.
  • 9. Any concerns regarding matters or suspected violations of this Supplier Code of Conduct can be reported to
    directly to your PolyMirae contact person or to Compliance Officer. Non-adherence with this Supplier Code of
    Conduct or failure to correct violations may result in PolyMirae taking appropriate steps regarding our relationship
    with a supplier which may include suspending or ending the business relationship.