1. To shareholders
To protect shareholders’ investment and provide an acceptable return.
2. To customers
To win and maintain customers by developing and providing products and services which offer value in terms of price,
quality, safety and environment impact, which are supported by the requisite technological, environmental and expertise.
3. To employees
To respect the human rights of our employees, to prohibit forced labor and child labor, and to provide them with good
and safe conditions of work, and good and competitive terms and conditions of service, to promote the development and
best use of human talent and equal opportunity employment without discrimination, and encourage the involvement of
employees in the planning and direction of their work, and in the application of these principles within the company, and
ensure employees’ freedom of association and collective bargaining.
It is recognized that commercial success depends on the full commitment of all employees.
4. To those with whom they do business
To seek mutually beneficial relationships with contractors, suppliers and in joint ventures and to promote these
principles in so doing. The ability to promote these principles effectively will be an important factor in the decision
to enter or remain in such a relationship.
5. To society
To respect human rights, contribute to health, safety and the environment, comply with the laws of the countries in
which we operate, practice ethical management, and act as a responsible company for
the sustainable development of the community.
1. Of company
PolyMirae acts in a socially responsible manner within the laws of the countries in which they operate in pursuit
of their legitimate commercial objective. PolyMirae does not make payments to political parties, organizations or
their representatives or take any part in party politics. However, when dealing with governments, PolyMirae has the
right and responsibility to make its position known on any matter which affects itself, its employees, its customers
or its shareholders. PolyMirae also has the right to make its position known on matters affecting the community,
where it has a contribution to make.
2. Of employees
If an individual PolyMirae employee wishes to engage in activities in the community, including standing for
election to public office, they will be given the opportunity to so where this is appropriate in the light of local